Congratulations to these outstanding coaches for their influence and impact on the game of high school basketball in the state.
By Randy Brown
CoachRB, Elite Coach Mentoring
Focus on the area of fouling and free throw shooting. Use stats from HS, Colleges, and the NBA. Use info from Basketball On Paper, by Dean Oliver.
NCAA—Field of 64, Conference Champs, RPI info.
Create a template for tracking possessions/results.
Use AUGIE as a pilot. Watch and analyze their conference games only.
Basketball Consultant
An hourly rate of $ ?? includes these services
How this will help you be a better coach and win more games:
The Free Throw “GAP”
--The difference between your FTA and your opponents FTA.
--The difference between your FTM and your opponents FTM
--The difference between your team fouls and your opponent’s team fouls.
Congratulations to these outstanding coaches for their influence and impact on the game of high school basketball in the state.
The Free Throw “Gap”--win more by "not" fouling